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The ISYS model treats the brain as the organ where the learning processes occur. Hence, the neurosciences are at the core of any situation where you have to inform or form (conform, deform, reform or transform) an individual: because when we form or inform we are actually activating or taking advantage of learning processes. The procedures by which we activate the learning process as a whole are called PEDAGOGY. Consequently, the model distinguishes between a pedagogy of

  1. Parenting
  2. Teaching
  3. Criminal Rehabilitation
  4. Criminal reeducation
  5. Vocational Training
  6. Changing Paradigms
  7. Personal Transformation and
  8. Spiritual Development

In other words, on the one hand, there is neuroscience behind the pedagogy and the didactics associated with a wide range of processes and learning contexts, and, on the other hand, the neurosciences also require us to reconsider that education is much more than what goes on within a classroom. This is education for the third millennium. And we have taken up this challenge by training and upgrading teachers in Peru; as we have already started doing at the Universidad Nacional de Educacion “La Cantuta.

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